Thursday, June 18, 2015


  1. Mark Zuckerberg designed Facebook in blue color because he is colourblind.
  2. Facebook is available in more than 70 languages.
  3. 48% of people (of 18 to 34 years age group) check Facebook right when they wake up !
  4. Facebook users install 20 million FB applications every day
  5. About 10,000 new websites install Facebook social plugins every day
  6. People who access Facebook via mobiles are twice as active on Facebook as the users who access via computers
  7. A record 750 million photos were uploaded over New Year’s weekend (2010)
  8. The average Facebook user has about 130 friends
  9. Politicians’ pages are the most talked about (average number of people talking is 415)
  10. 600,000 hacking attempts are made to Facebook accounts every day.
  11. Facebook tracks which sites you visit, even AFTER you have signed out.
  12. Facebook's founder Mark Zuckerberg donated US$1 billion to charity in 2013, making him the biggest charitable donor in the U.S.

QUIZDOM ACADEMY # 7 Harry Potter


1.How old does Harry turn in book ?                                                                        
2. Which goblin takes Harry and Hagrid to their vaults in book 1?                                        
3. How tall was the troll that Harry and Ron defeated in the Girl's toilet in Book 1?     
4. What was unusual about the school song that Dumbledore led everyone in singing after the Sorting Feast?    

5. Who was really trying to steal the stone?                                        
6.  In book 1 When Voldemort, feeling stronger from drinking unicorn blood, tried to attack Harry in the Dark Forest, who  saved him?

7. Of the many things guarding the stone, what was the only one that Quirrell/Voldemort could not figure out or overcome?

8. When we first meet Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall on Privet Drive, Professor McGonagall is a cat. When she turns back into a human, what colour is her cloak?

9. What is the school Harry was about to go to before he knew he was a wizard?

10. What colour were the flames that Harry went through to get the stone?
11. What does Quirrell see in the mirror?

12. What did Professor McGonagall create to protect the stone?

13. How many goal posts are there on a Quidditch pitch?

14. How many points is the Golden Snitch worth?

15. What creatures feed on positive human emotions?

16. What number bank vault contains the Sorcerer's Stone at Gringotts?

17. How many fouls are there in Quidditch?

18. How many times was Nearly Headless Nick axed in the neck?

19. How may different kinds of balls are used in Quidditch?

20. What do ghosts do on their Death Day?

21. What is the name of the leader of the spiders?

22. Who teaches Harry how to play wizard chess?

23. Which person was the first out of Voldemort's wand when Harry and Voldemort duelled in Goblet of Fire? 


1.  11 2. Griphook. 3. 12 feet 4. Everyone sang it to their own favourite tune 5.  Quirell 6.  Firenze - a centaur. 7.  The Mirror of Erised 8. Emerald 9. Stonewall High. 10.  Black 11. He is presenting the stone to his master 12. The Chess game 13.  6 14. 150 15. Dementors 16. 713 17. 700 18. 45 19. Three 20. They throw a party 21.  Aragog  22. Ron 23.  Cedric Diggory


Who said these words…

1. Josephine...
Napoleon Bonaparte, French Emperor, May 5, 1821

2.Now I shall go to sleep. Goodnight.
~~ Lord George Byron, writer, d. 1824

3.I'm bored with it all.
Before slipping into a coma. He died 9 days later.

~~ Winston Churchill, statesman, d. January 24, 1965

4.My God. What's happened?
~~ Diana (Spencer), Princess of Wales, d. August 31, 1997

5.It is very beautiful over there.
~~ Thomas Alva Edison, inventor, d. October 18, 1931

6.Go on, get out - last words are for fools who haven't said enough.
To his housekeeper, who urged him to tell her his last words so she could write them down for posterity.
~~ Karl Marx, revolutionary, d. 1883

7.Put out the light.
~~ Theodore Roosevelt, US President, d. 1919

8.Sister, you're trying to keep me alive as an old curiosity, but I'm done, I'm finished, I'm going to die.
Spoken to his nurse.
~~ George Bernard Shaw, playwright, d. November 2, 1950

9.I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have.
~~ Leonardo da Vinci, artist, d. 1519

10. "Pardonnez-moi, monsieur."- Antoinette, Marie, Queen of France (1755-1793)
Marie Antoinette was the wife of King Louis XVI.  She was convicted of treason following the Revolution and sentenced to death by beheading.  As she approached the guillotine, she accidentally stepped on the foot of her executioner.

11. Shoot me in the chest! (To his executioners.) ~~Benito Mussolini, Italian dictator, d.1945

12. "No."- Bell, Alexander Graham (1847-1922)

Alexander Graham Bell was a Scottish inventor who worked in the United States for most of his life.  While he is most famous for creating the telephone, Bell also held an appointment as a professor of vocal physiology at Boston University.  There, he fell in love with and married one of his deaf students, Mabel Hubbard.  After forty-five years of marriage, Bell was stricken with a fatal illness.  As he lay dying, Mabel whispered to him, "Don't leave me."  In response, Bell signed the word, "No."



Arjun Invokes the War Goddess


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

QUIZDOM ACADEMY # 4 The Great Smog of 1952

The Great Smog of 1952

The Great Smog befell London starting on December 5, 1952, and lasted until December 9, 1952. It was a great disaster that killed thousands and formed an important impetus to the modern environmental movement.

In early December of 1952, a cold fog descended upon London. Because of the cold, Londoners began to burn more coal than usual. At the same time, the final conversion of London's electric trams to diesel buses was completed. The resulting air pollution was trapped by the heavy layer of cold air, and the concentration of pollutants built up dramatically. The smog was so thick that it would sometimes make driving impossible. It entered indoors easily, and concerts and screenings of films were cancelled, as the audience could not see the stage or screen.

Since London was known for its fog, there was no great panic at the time. In the weeks that followed, the medical services compiled statistics and found that the fog had killed 4,000 people—most of who were very young or elderly, or had pre-existing respiratory problems. Another 8,000 died in the weeks and months that followed.

These shocking revelations led to a rethinking of air pollution. The disaster demonstrated to people around the world that it was a real and deadly problem. New regulations were put in place restricting the use of dirty fuels in industry and banning black smoke. 

QUIZDOM ACEDEMY # 3 leonardo da vinci Facts

 The name Leonardo da Vinci translates to Leonard from the town of Vinci.
 Leonardo was raised by his single father.
 Leonardo was one of the first Italians to use oil paint .
 He was left-handed
 Leonardo da Vinci left many paintings unfinished and destroyed most of his work.
 Two of his works, the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, are the most famous, most reproduced and most parodied portrait and religious painting of all time.
 Leonardo was a vegetarian who loved animals and despised war, yet he worked as a military engineer to invent advanced and deadly weapons.
 Leonardo drew the plans for the first armored car in 1485!
 He invented the bicycle 300 years before it appeared on the road.
 Leonardo di Vinci created an inflatable tube so people could float in the water.
 Leonardo da Vinci had dyslexia, when he made notes on his inventions it was all written in reverse, which made it hard for others to dig through his notes and steal his ideas.
 Leonardo da Vinci dug into graveyards at night to steal corpses and study human anatomy (and find out where the soul was).
 He produced aeriel maps for Cesare Borgia which are still accurate today.
 Leonardo is considered by many as the father of modern science.
 He was one of the most acclaimed artists of the Renaissance.
 He was the illegitimate child of Messer Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci, a Florentine notary, and Caterina, a peasant.
 Leonardo sketched the first parachute, first helicopter, first aeroplane, first tank, first repeating rifle, swinging bridge, paddleboat and the first motorcar.
 Leonardo was very much interested in the possibility of human flight. He produced many studies of the flight of birds and plans for several flying machines.
 He was also a sculptor, designer of costumes, mathematician and botanist.
 He made maps of Europe.
 He invented hydraulic pumps.
 He designed a movable bridge for the Duke of Milan.
 He drew the plans of the first armored car in 1485.
 The Mona Lisa is perhaps his most famous work. The subject of this portrait is still debated to this day, the most popular current view being that it is of Lisa Gherardini del Giocondo. One of the most unusual hypotheses is that it is a self-portrait of Leonardo as a woman.
 It took da Vinci about ten years to paint Mona Lisa's lips.
 Leonardo was famous for the way he used light in his portraits.
 He painted The Last Supper at Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan; a dramatic depiction of the moment Jesus announced that he would be betrayed.
 He established modern techniques of scientific illustration with highly accurate renderings such as ‘Embryo in the Womb’.
 Leonardo would wear pink to make his complexion look fresh.
 Leonardo da Vinci never married or had children.

Guinness World Records lists Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa as having the highest insurance value for a painting in history. On permanent display at The Louvre museum in Paris, the Mona Lisa was assessed at US$100 million on December 14, 1962. Taking inflation into account, the 1962 value would be around US$780 million in 2015.

QUIZDOM ACEDEMY # 2 Did You Know ?

London's Millennium Dome, the largest of its kind in the world, is over one kilometer in circumference and covers over 80,000 square meters.The Dome is supported by 43 miles of high-strength cable which holds up 100,000 square meters of fabric.The translucent roof is 50 meters high at the center and strong enough to support a jumbo jet.The Dome could contain two Wembley Stadiums or the Eiffel Tower on its side. You could even fit the Great Pyramid of Giza inside it.

The number 4 is the only number that has the same number of letters in its name as its meaning.

In 1961, Henry Matisse's painting Le Bateau hung upside down in New York's Museum of Modern Art. It remained upside down for forty-one days until someone noticed. It's estimated nearly 116,000 people passed in front of the painting before the error was noted.

Rudyard Kipling wrote only with black ink



1. One of the oldest cities in Russia, Tver is located upon the banks of the Tmaka river and which other famous Russian river?

 2. Los Angeles is often referred to as "The Shaky City". Do you know who started that nickname?

3. New York’s Nick name, The Big Apple is the best known nickname in the world. Where did that odd name come from?

4. In Ireland there is a town called Limerick. It has been mentioned as the "stab city" How did it get that gruesome name do you think?

5. If your chat buddy tells you seriously that he lives in the city of Moron, where is he living?

6. According to the 2001 census held in India, how many cities had (at the time of the census) more than one million inhabitants?

7. The largest museum in the world is the Louvre, in Paris. But you won't see the biggest collection of French paintings in the Louvre. In what city would you find it?

8. In how many capital cities can you walk along the Danube river?

9. Of the fifteen countries formed by the division of USSR, what is the only one that doesn't have its biggest city as its capital?

10. The 'Skytower' is this city's most famous building.

11. What capital city are you visiting if you can see the Chimborazo from your window? The Chimborazo is only one of the many snow capped mountains you can see when you're in here. The most amazing one is the Cotopaxi, but that is located about two hours south of Quito. You can still see it if it is a good sunny day.

12. 'Jomo Kenyatta' is the name of this city's international airport.

13. This city is located in the western tip of the African continent.

14. What is the world's northernmost capital city?

15. The city you are in was founded by Pizarro. In this city, ten miles from the Pacific, the people speak Spanish. The city is in the desert which stretches north to south between the ocean and the Andes.

16. You are in one of the largest harbours in the world. It is the capital city of a Canadian province. It was a very important port in both World Wars. In World War I, a French ammunition ship exploded in the harbour.

1. Volga 2. Truckers 3. The Apple, from Adam and Eve 4. Because of the high level of assaults on people with knives 5. Near Buenos Aires, Argentina 6. 27 7. St. Petersburg 8. Four  In order, they are: Wien, Bratislava, Budapest and Beograd 9. Kazakhstan 10. Auckland