Wednesday, June 17, 2015



1. One of the oldest cities in Russia, Tver is located upon the banks of the Tmaka river and which other famous Russian river?

 2. Los Angeles is often referred to as "The Shaky City". Do you know who started that nickname?

3. New York’s Nick name, The Big Apple is the best known nickname in the world. Where did that odd name come from?

4. In Ireland there is a town called Limerick. It has been mentioned as the "stab city" How did it get that gruesome name do you think?

5. If your chat buddy tells you seriously that he lives in the city of Moron, where is he living?

6. According to the 2001 census held in India, how many cities had (at the time of the census) more than one million inhabitants?

7. The largest museum in the world is the Louvre, in Paris. But you won't see the biggest collection of French paintings in the Louvre. In what city would you find it?

8. In how many capital cities can you walk along the Danube river?

9. Of the fifteen countries formed by the division of USSR, what is the only one that doesn't have its biggest city as its capital?

10. The 'Skytower' is this city's most famous building.

11. What capital city are you visiting if you can see the Chimborazo from your window? The Chimborazo is only one of the many snow capped mountains you can see when you're in here. The most amazing one is the Cotopaxi, but that is located about two hours south of Quito. You can still see it if it is a good sunny day.

12. 'Jomo Kenyatta' is the name of this city's international airport.

13. This city is located in the western tip of the African continent.

14. What is the world's northernmost capital city?

15. The city you are in was founded by Pizarro. In this city, ten miles from the Pacific, the people speak Spanish. The city is in the desert which stretches north to south between the ocean and the Andes.

16. You are in one of the largest harbours in the world. It is the capital city of a Canadian province. It was a very important port in both World Wars. In World War I, a French ammunition ship exploded in the harbour.

1. Volga 2. Truckers 3. The Apple, from Adam and Eve 4. Because of the high level of assaults on people with knives 5. Near Buenos Aires, Argentina 6. 27 7. St. Petersburg 8. Four  In order, they are: Wien, Bratislava, Budapest and Beograd 9. Kazakhstan 10. Auckland

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